Thursday, December 26, 2013


Yep!  Still pregnant!  Second Beta results in today and it went up to a whopping 665!!!  I am 4 weeks and 3 days preggers (which = two weeks and 3 days from conception) with a tiny McKellar embryo.  Estimated due date, September 1, 2014.

For those who like math/care - they want to see a doubling time of appx 48 hours (or less) of these HCG numbers.  My doubling time was 33.51 hours!  You can find all kinds of calculators on the Internet to help you figure out doubling time.  I used a couple and they each had different averages listed.  This one shows 48-72 hours, which I am well faster than!  This one shows 31-72 hours: a range that I am in.  Barely.  In all cases these are averages, and in any case a faster doubling time is not a problem.

Now my HCG level makes me fall squarely between the average for single pregnancies and for twin pregnancies.  On Monday I was just barely above the single pregnancy average.

The thing about these numbers, though, is that everyone is so different, and they don't really mean anything other than it appears to be a healthily progressing pregnancy thus far!  Which is great news, and the only available news, so I'm just gonna go with it!

So, what's next?

An Ultrasound on 1/8 - just under two weeks from now.  That is the ultrasound where they make sure the embryo is where it should be (my uterus, not my fallopian tube).  They may see a heartbeat then, but they may not.  At that point I get my "pregnancy instructions" if things look good.  I'll let you know what that means when I know!

Then, an ultrasound 2 weeks after that on 1/22 where they will be able to see if it is growing normally and has a heartbeat.  At that point, I think, I move on to a regular doctor if everything looks good.  Still early.  Things could still go horribly wrong.  But still...


So, that's where we are now.  And this is what I feel like inside. (Even though I'm not really making that face. I mean other than for the picture, of course.)

I got to work at 8:12am this morning and haven't been able to eat all day, so haven't taken a lunch break. This means I am about to go home.  Celebration dinner tonight!


  1. EEEEEEE! I missed your previous post. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Sending tons of good thoughts for a healthy, boring, normal pregnancy. xoxo!

    1. Thank you thank you! Boring would be AWESOME! <3

  2. Sending all the love in the world, I'm smiling ear to ear right along with you!!! :) xoxoxoxooxox

  3. Sharon,
    We used to be next door neighbors on Otterbein CT., and I saw a link to your blog via Andy's facebook page. Anyways, I have just spent the better part of an hour devouring your website, and infertility journey. It was scary, raw, and actually just what I needed to read. My husband, and I are just beginning this journey-we had our second IUI on Monday. Anyways, you made me cry, laugh, and smile at your seemingly successful outcome. Lots of positive vibes are being sent your way! Leigh Paschke (Bookwalter)

    1. Hey Leigh! Good luck on your journey, I got Lex on my third IUI. I'll send you good energy on Monday!

    2. Hi Leigh,
      Thanks so much for reaching out! Glad you enjoyed the blog! It is basically my dream that people will find it at various points during their own infertility journey and find the tiniest bit of comfort here. So, yay! I wish you lots and lots of luck and hope your road is short. If you ever need anything, feel free to email me or poke me on Facebook at anytime. (email is dearanxiety at gmail). Best wishes!

  4. okay, 2 weirdo date things: Sept. 1 was Lex's due date, and Jan. 8 is when he goes back to clinic (less weird since we go so often). Anyway, Jan. 8 will hopefully bring us both more good news. Again, love you to bits, and thinking of you always. Sending you super positive healthy baby growing vibes!

    1. Oh yeah! I totally forgot that was Lex's due date!! (Ian and I did note how close the due date is to Lex and Garrett's bdays! And Moms!)

  5. Sharon.....I am so, so, so HAPPY for you and Ian!!!! I think I may even be more excited for the two of you than I was when I got pregnant (mostly because when it was happening to me, I was scared ��)!!!! I am completely confident that you will be a FANTASTIC momma!!!! It's been a long struggle for you, and I must admit that I have shed a tear or two for you, just in wishing that you didn't have to go through all of this. I admire yours and Ian's commitment in this journey, so I will end with a huge HOORAH, a gigantic Mazel Tov, and bunches of luck, hugs n kisses!!!! ��

    1. Thank you thank you thank you! For all the love and support! :) xxoo <3

  6. I love how things are progressing for you guys!! Didn't know Jodi had IUI....

  7. Yay!!!!! Congratulations! Will be thinking about you lots in the coming days!

  8. I can't put into words how excited I am for you and Ian! woohoo!

  9. Was Ian there when you found out? How did you tell him? How did he react / what did you both do?! Oh SHARON!

    1. P.S. Love love love that shirt.

    2. Hahahah! He wasn't there when I got blood test results back (was at work) so I just send him a Google Chat while I was on the phone with the nurse. He was there when I got the pee test result though. He had come into the bathroom to comfort me and I was telling him, "negative again, of course" when I actually looked at it closely and was like "OMG OMG IT IS POSITIVE!!!" and then he was freaking out, but I was still pooping (hahahahaha TMI) and couldn't get up. Anyhow, I was crying too hard to pay too much attention to what he was doing from that point on.

      And thanks for the shirt love! :)

  10. Congrats on your pregnancy milestone! Hope you had a merry Christmas.

  11. Congrats! I got a positive too, first u/s 1/6!

  12. I hadn't checked your blog in a week because there hadn't been anything so I figured it was not good and holidays, etc. Today, I thought, well, I'll see how she's doing - and oh my gosh! Congratulations! Very exciting! You know how to contact me if you need cookies! ----Stinky
