Friday, April 25, 2014

I'm Still Here

I'm still here.  This week is National Infertility Awareness Week, and it also happens to be the week that I am ready to deal with this stuff again.  Convenient.

Anyhow, it has been a nice couple of months where I decided not to decide anything and not to do anything.  Sort of blissful, although with a clock always ticking just out of sight.

Now, we've decided.  We started filling out our homestudy paperwork and have dedicated some time each week to working on it (as of this very week).   We also are moving forward with another IVF cycle this summer.  It will be my 3rd egg retrieval and 6th transfer.  Fuck.  Anyhow, our intent is to grow all embryos to day 5 (including the two leftover from last time) and to do genetic testing on them. Worst case, none make it and/or none are genetically normal.  Best case, some do and are and we transfer them.

If we don't end up with a successful pregnancy from that cycle we will move forward with adoption (beyond the homestudy) and also talk about donor eggs as an option and go from there.

I've started being able to talk more about the miscarriage.  I'm guessing that is healthy.