Saturday, August 29, 2015

Lillian and Matilda, a lot has happened since I updated, most notably that Lillian and Matilda arrived!  They were born via C-Section on July 17th at 12:27 and 12:28 in the afternoon, just a day before 37 weeks.  They were tiny - 4lbs 3oz of Lillian Ada McKellar and 4lbs 1oz of Matilda Eliot McKellar.  They spent a few days in the NICU until they were able to maintain their own body temperatures, and we all came home on July 22nd.

Yesterday they turned 6 weeks old and weighed 7lbs 1oz (Lillian) and 7lbs 4oz (Matilda) which makes them the size of an average newborn, which feels huge to us even though they are teeny tiny for 6-week old girls. :)

There are some other things I'd like to post about - their birth story,their names, their health, how we are doing etc, but for now I'll leave you with some photos and the knowledge that we are all happy and cozy and adorable and well.

In the hospital:

 Family Photo

 Lillian and Matilda

Heading Home

First Days at Home:
Lillian and Matilda

Matilda and Lillian

Lillian and Matilda

L and M

M and L

L and M

Getting Bigger:
M and L

M and L

